MCM Training Week 1

Training for: Marine Corps Marathon October 25, 2015 in Washington, D.C.

Method: Run Less, Run Faster Novice Marathon Training

Goal: a) FINISH b) sub 5:00:00

I just wrapped up Week 1 of my 16 week training plan. The week started off great.

Monday: 3x 1600m in 9:10 with 400m rest

Total: 3.75 miles in 36:31

Tuesday: Swim – 20 laps of kicking with 30 sec rest. This was my first ever swim exercise. It is a great cardio work out and I’m looking forward to seeing how it helps strengthen me as a runner.

Then the dreaded stomach bug struck!!!!

Wednesday: planned tempo – forced rest

Thursday/Friday: Rest – repeat of Wednesday. I was “better” but totally wiped after work. Even if I had the energy for 6 miles, I couldn’t bring my sick kiddos to child care…. this tempo run was just not going to happen.

Saturday:  Long run 8 miles @ 11:23/mi – ended up with 7.99 in 1:50:56 (avg. pace 13:54)

heading out for 8 miles - don't I look excited?!
heading out for 8 miles – don’t I look excited?!

The run started off alright. Miles 1 and 2 were right where I wanted them and then I just lost it. My energy level was still off: I hadn’t eaten properly all week, it was hot and I ran out of water! There was a lot of walking. I was feeling disappointed with the run but I just told myself at least I got out there. 8 miles is 8 miles no matter how you get it done.

Sunday: rest

The week didn’t go as planned but, all things consider, I’m okay with it. If we had to get sick, I’m glad it happened at week 1 and not week 15. Hopefully we’ve gotten that out of the way! Who am I kidding, I have 3 kids! Wish me luck!!!

I’m really excited to see what this training does for me. I plan to swim and bike once a week on top of my 3 runs. I also want to mix in some Zumba and Body pump but that’s for fun!

Next race: Run with the Beavers 10 miler on Saturday!!

I’m training for MCM while fundraising for Girls on the Run. Help me meet my goal of $1500 to help girls have access to this awesome program!

GOTR SoleMate
GOTR SoleMate

8 thoughts on “MCM Training Week 1

  1. Good luck! You’ve got this. You have plan; stick to it. 🙂 Easier said, some days, than others, I’m sure. But you wouldn’t choose something you thought you couldn’t do, so go get it! 😀

  2. Sorry to hear about the stomach bug. Rest is a good thing, much better than prolonging the issue. I think you’ll find the kicking helps running. Do you kick with fins? My swim coach has us do alternating sets of fly kick on our backs in streamline position (amazing core and hip flexor workout) with freestyle kick (also good hip flexor work).

  3. Yes! Definitely best to get the stomach bug out of the way NOW and not later!! Great job!

  4. Hope you’re feeling better. All things considered, it sounds like you still had a good first training week! I need to spend some time blogging about my MCM training plan too. Mine is all weird because we have a huge race in August and I’m already running 18-20 miles in prep for that. Good luck with week #2!

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