MCM Training Week 12

Training for: Marine Corps Marathon October 25, 2015 in Washington, D.C

Method: Run Less, Run Faster Novice Marathon Training. I love this training because it focuses on 3 key runs per week. I used it to train for my first 10k and noticed much improvement.

Goal: 4:45:00 – I truly just want to FINISH. This will be my first marathon and probably last (for the foreseeable future anyway).


26 days until Marine Corps Marathon!

I’m once again slacking on the cross-training. I need to step up my game a little. Some weeks, just getting the runs in is hard enough but, I want to focus on some core work for this month leading up to the race.

Monday: plan: 3x 1600m with 400m rest actual: 3.75 miles in 36:45 met all intervals – the last was pretty tough on me.

Tuesday: rest

Wednesday: plan: 10 miles at marathon pace actual 10 miles in MP-36 seconds! completed in 1:42:52 with an avg pace of 10:17 I set a new PERSONAL RECORD for 10 miles!!  This run was one of the best runs I’ve had – even though nothing was right going into it. I had come off the overnight at work but this was the only day I could get this run in. Luckily I had beautiful weather!

Thursday: rest

Friday: rest

Saturday: plan: 13 miles at MP +15 actual: 12 miles in ~2:28:00 avg pace of 12:20/mi. This is an estimation because my watch died just after mile 10 (I was purposely testing the limits of it) My run started off okay – I should have worn capris because my thighs were cold! Around mile 2 I already knew it wasn’t going to be like Wednesday’s run. They can’t all be great! My pace started off where I needed it but then there were a lot of walk breaks in the last few miles which killed my overall pace.

Sunday: rest

And now? I’m looking forward to my upcoming 20 miler. It will be a new personal best for me no matter the outcome. I am going to run the Smuttynose Half Marathon in Hampton Beach, NH. I plan to get out there early and run 7 miles and then line up at the start for another 13.1! I think it will be a great race and I’m looking forward to the after party. I can’t believe I’m finally at the longest run in my training. Nothing left but 26.2 after this!

I’m raising money for Girls On The Run, my goal is $1500 and I’m 67% there! If you are interested in helping me reach my goal please donate here, thank you!

GOTR SoleMate
GOTR SoleMate

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