MCM Training Week 11

Training for: Marine Corps Marathon October 25, 2015 in Washington, D.C

Method: Run Less, Run Faster Novice Marathon Training. I love this training because it focuses on 3 key runs per week. I used it to train for my first 10k and noticed much improvement.

Goal: 4:45:00


33 days until Marine Corps Marathon!

This week was another off week. I missed out on my tempo run due to scheduling issues. I am still trying to balance life and training, now that our school year has started back up. Plus my long run could only be done on Friday which did not give me much flexibility.

Monday: rest

Tuesday: rest

Wednesday: plan 1000m, 2000m, 2x 1000m with 400m rest. Actual: 4×1000 meter. I arrived at the gym with 40 minutes to get a 43 minute run in. OOPS! So, I made the decision to cut down the 2000m interval and get 4 quality 1000m intervals in. Ended with 3.1 miles in 32:20, avg. 10:26/mi

Thursday: rest up for the LSR

Friday: plan 18 miles at MP+45 actual 18.52 miles at MP+53 (pretty close!)

All I can say is THANK GOD for running friends!!! I don’t know what is was about this run but it would not have been what is was without my friend S. I’ll start from the beginning: we had planned to meet up at 6:30. I considered running the 2 miles to our meeting spot to get a little distance out of the way. I was running 18 and my friend was running 11. I woke up too late to allow for that until I got a text from S saying she couldn’t meet until 7:15. Now I could get even more miles under my belt! I took the long way to our spot and ran a little further before turning around too meet her. I was at 4.25 miles when she got there. We started running our normal route (she has been with me for several of my long runs) and we were both saying how off we felt. For me, nothing really hurt but my hips were tight and my legs felt like lead. Mentally, I just wasn’t feeling it. Nerves, maybe?

Anyway, we trucked along until her watch read 5.6 miles and turned around to head back. I wanted to quit but I kept running because I felt like she needed me too. Turns out she was doing the same for me. (and that’s why RFs rock!!) My watch beeped for 15 miles shortly before she hit 11. I had told her I’d walk with her until the end of the patch and then we’d part ways and both head home.

Knowing I’d be short almost a mile by the time I reached my house, I texted my hubby and asked him to pick me up. I fought myself the entire run and I was over it. I finally turned off my watch at 15.5 miles (3:03:33). I was ecstatic about having run 15 miles. That in itself its a pretty incredible accomplishment. But, I was still disappointed that I had not hit 18 miles, until this point my long runs had been pretty good. Almost too good. I guess I was due for a crappy one….

Later in the day, I put on my big girl pants running shorts and took the kiddos to the gym. I decided to run an even 3 miles since I had started walking at some point between 15.1 and 15.5 miles. I ended with 3.02 in 34:17. I even threw in a little abdominal workout when I was done.

Total: 18.52 miles in 3:37:50 11:46/mi. Overall, I’m very happy with this run. Turns out many people split up their long runs. I know the 3 miles later in the day were MUCH better than what I would have pumped out in the morning. So, while I hope to not have to split any more long runs, I know it is what I needed this week.

See? Sometimes long runs need their own recap post!

Saturday: rest

Sunday: rest

And now? I’m feeling really good – no pain or muscle soreness. I’m ready to tackle my runs this week. Less than 5 weeks until MCM!!!

I’m raising money for Girls On The Run, my goal is $1500 and I’m 63% there! If you are interested in helping me reach my goal please donate here, thank you!

GOTR SoleMate
GOTR SoleMate

MCM Training Week 10

Training for: Marine Corps Marathon October 25, 2015 in Washington, D.C

Method: Run Less, Run Faster Novice Marathon Training

Goal: 4:45:00


38 days until Marine Corps Marathon!

I took a step bike, mile wise, this week. A lot of things were going on at home – my husband was on vacation and I started the school year off with two boys. That takes a priority for sure, but I also know, this marathon won’t run itself! As with anything, it will take a little adjusting but I’ll get it all to fit together. Somehow, I always do.

Monday: Upper Body Fix – nice to focus on my arms for once

Tuesday: Lower Body Fix – I was sooooo sore after this workout!

Oh and I went on a helicopter ride!

Wednesday: Rest – beach day!!!

Thursday: Rest

Friday: 3.43 miles in honor of the 343 firefighters lost on 9/11

Saturday: rest up for my race the next day

Sunday: plan 12 miles at MP+20 actual 13.1 in 12:35 much slower than I needed but I was chosen to pace the 2:45 finish in a local race (recap tomorrow!) It was such an amazing experience. In my mind the extra mile makes up for the pace … am I wrong here ?? haha

I had been wanting to run this race since I missed out on it 2 years ago (read about that here). The race went well and I felt good during and after it.

Overall, the week wasn’t an ideal training week but family comes first!

I’m raising money for Girls On The Run, my goal is $1500 and I’m 60% there! If you are interested in helping me reach my goal please donate here, thank you!

GOTR SoleMate
GOTR SoleMate

MCM Training Week 9

Training for: Marine Corps Marathon October 25, 2015 in Washington, D.C

Method: Run Less, Run Faster Novice Marathon Training

Goal: 4:45:00


46 days until Marine Corps Marathon!

This weeks training went pretty well. I ended up ordering 21 days fix because my nutrition is something I need to work on and I am looking forward to mixing the strength training in without having to leave my house!

Monday: 2×1600, 2×800 with 60 second rest. Total 3.48 miles in 35 minutes

Tuesday: rest

Wednesday: plan: 1 easy, 4 at MT, 1 easy actual: 4.5 miles in 46:14 avg 10:22 – 1 easy, 3 at tempo, 0.5 easy. I went out too late for this run and there was no way I could have safely made it to 6 miles. My bad! I won’t lie, I was relieved that I had to cut it short. It was humid and I was feeling sluggish. I don’t enjoy working out late at night.

Thursday: Pilates Fix

Friday: rest – prepping for my long run!

Saturday: plan 16 miles at 11:23 actual 16.08 in 2:57:51 avg pace 11:07/mi another great long run and PR in the books! I only have 18, 20 and 26.2 left! Crazy. I don’t know how people training for marathon after marathon. I’m happy to be nailing these long runs and feeling really good after but it takes A LOT of time. Early mornings, cutting half the day up, being exhausted for the rest of the day. More power to ya! I think I’ll be sticking with halfs and shorter after this. We’ll see though 😉

My trouble is my nutrition during runs. I have been carrying a hydration pack with 2 liters of water. During my 15 miler, I emptied it. During my 16 miler (cooler weather) I came home with 500ml remaining. Food though – I always ate Gu’s and they were giving me stomach trouble so I switched it up a bit. This week I brought pretzels and a PB&J with honey. After my running partner left me (at 9.5 miles) I paused the garmin and ate my sandwich. Okay on a training run but will kill my time during the race. How do you eat REAL FOOD while running??? What am I to do?

Sunday: Yoga Fix – felt amazing after that long run

I’m raising money for Girls On The Run, my goal is $1500 and I’m 60% there! If you are interested in helping me reach my goal please donate here, thank you!

What is your furthest run?

What do you use for fuel during long runs?

GOTR SoleMate
GOTR SoleMate

Friday 5: Fall Races

This Friday’s 5 is all about fall races. I have a nice line up of races this fall so I’ll start with those.

  1. MARINE CORPS MARATHON – Obviously I’ll start with the best. This is my BIG race this year. My first ever marathon and the reason I’m running all these crazy miles. MCM is in Washington DC on October 25th. It runs through the National mall and other great spots in DC ending at the Iwo Jima Memorial. I cannot wait to run here. Lucky for me Sue is always posting awesome pictures of her running adventures in DC.
  2. B.A.A Half Marathon – Which is in Boston on October 11th. I was already registered for this race before committing to 26.2. Luckily, this race fit in perfectly with my training. As part of my taper, I need 13 miles this weekend. I registered for this as part of the BAA distance medley. (5k in April, 10k in June, Half in October) I think a medley like that is great for someone building up their mileage like I was. It keeps you on track and the races are spaced out just right to train properly for each of them. If you’re not registered for the medley, act quick!, the half sold out in minutes! I’m looking forward to this race and earning TWO medals at the finish line. I love race bling!
  3. Smuttynose Half Marathon – Hampton Beach, New Hampshire on October 4th. The website sells this race as the FLATTEST half in New England. I’m looking forward to heading up there for the weekend to participate in this race. This will strictly be a training run for me. I need 20 miles that weekend so slow and steady is my plan. I am going to get the “extra” 7 out of the way before the race so I can relax and enjoy my Lobster roll and beer afterwards. (part of the entry fee) Also included in the registration fee is a nice 1/4 zip fleece – rather than a tee-shirt. I like having other options seeing as my race shirt collection is taking over my closet!
  4. Surftown Half Marathon – Westerly, RI on September 13th. I’ll be pacing this race!! I think it will really be a great experience. Two years ago, I was registered for this race and got my first ever DNS – read about it here. I feel like this is my redemption run! haha. They always have a cool surfboard related
  5. Any fun themed race – Marathons and half marathons not your thing? Locally, we have several 5k options in the fall/winter. Monster dashes for Halloween, Turkey trots for Thanksgiving, races for Christmas or New Years. These races are a lot of fun! It’s a nice mix between people going out to just dress up and have a good time with their friends and others going out there to run a race. I am hoping to get into one with Mini #1 because he is really looking forward to his next 5K.

I’m linking up with Cynthia, Courtney and Mar for the Friday Five Link up!

  1. Are you running any fall races?
  2. Tell me a fall race that you’ve run in the past.
  3. What is one fall race on your bucket list?
GOTR SoleMate
GOTR SoleMate

MCM Training Week 8

Training for: Marine Corps Marathon October 25, 2015 in Washington, D.C

Method: Run Less, Run Faster Novice Marathon Training

Goal: 4:45:00


54 days until Marine Corps Marathon!

I am officially halfway through my training!! After this week, I only have 4 runs that are longer than what I’ve already run. 16, 18, 20 and 26.2! I am feeling strong – mentally and physically. This week I did much better with cross training.

Monday: 15 minute ab class followed by 2x (6x400m with 90 sec rest) 2 min 30 second rest between sets. Interval pace is 8:48/mi. Total 4.5 miles in 47:00

Tuesday: Tempo run EASY x2, 9:45, 9:45, 9:36, EASY Total 6.01 in 1:03:11 The treadmill at the gym shut off after 60 minutes. It was tempting to leave it at that but I finished out the 6 miles!

Wednesday: hour long Body Pump class at the gym

Thursday: rest

Friday: plan: 15 miles at 11:23. actual 15.01 in 2:49:12 avg pace 11:19/mi! Nailed it!


I felt strong on this run! I had company for the first 5.5 miles and then I was alone. It was a long time to be running alone but much to my surprise, when I hit 14 miles, I was 3 minutes ahead of my 14 mile finish two weeks ago! And my last mile??? 9:47!!!! Finish strong baby!

I ended the day with over 44k steps!

Saturday: rest – recover from Country Fest and work!

Sunday: rest – does walking through beach sand carrying a baby, count for anything?

I’m raising money for Girls On The Run, my goal is $1500 and I’m 58% there! If you are interested in helping me reach my goal please donate here, thank you!

GOTR SoleMate
GOTR SoleMate